Sunday Mornings
- Babies-Kindergarten - Children's Wing
- 1st-4th grade dismissed after worship to Kid's Church in the Children's Wing
- 5th and 6th grade participate in church during the 9:00 am service
- Young Adult Bible Study - Lower Level Lounge
- Adult Bible Study (Co-ed) - Lower Level Room 1
10:30 am service
- Babies-Kindergarten in the Children's Wing
- 1st-4th grade in the Children's Wing
- 5th and 6th grade - Sunday School in the Children's Wing
- Adult Bible Study (Co-ed) - Lower Level Lounge
- Men's Sunday School - Conference Room
- Women's Sunday School - Room 116
- 7th and 8th Grade Sunday School - Lower Level Room 3
- 9th and 10th Grade Sunday School - Lower Level Room 2
- 11th and 12th Grade Sunday School - Lower Level Room 1
During the Week
Pioneer Clubs (K-6th graders) - Wednesdays | 7-8 pm | Hockessin Campus (starting in October)
If you have questions about Pioneer Clubs, contact Christie Whalen.
Youth Group (7th-12th graders) - Wednesdays | 7-8:30 pm | Hockessin Campus
If you have questions about Youth Group, contact
Life Groups - Life Groups are both geographically and stage-of-life based small groups that meet throughout the week both in people’s homes and here at the church. These groups focus on fellowship and the building of deeper relationships. Some Life Groups are ongoing and can be joined by invitation. The rest are launched or relaunched three times a year, around January, May, and September. If you have questions about Life Groups, contact Jon Limm.
Men's Bible Studies:
Tuesdays | 7:00 am - Drip Cafe, Lantana Square
Wednesdays | 7:00 am - Hockessin Campus
Women's Bible Studies:
Wednesdays | 10-11:30 am - Hockessin Campus, Lower Level Rooms 1 & 2
Every other Thursday | 4:30-6:30 pm - Hockessin Campus, Rooms 114 & 116