Various Sunday school classes are offered during both 9:00 and 10:30 am services. Classes are taught by trained and experienced teachers who desire to share the truth of the Bible. Some classes are age-defined, while others may be selected based on topic. We also offer separate men’s and women’s classes that meet during the week.
Sunday School Classes
Sundays: 9:00 am
Location: Lower Level Room 1
Led by: Dan Brown
Type: Men and women of all ages
Currently studying: Genesis - Creation to Abraham.
Sundays: 10:30 am
Location: Lower Level Lounge
Led by: Jason Matthews & Rick Beno
Type: Men and women of all ages
Currently studying: King David (2nd Samuel). This class is conversational, with a strong emphasis on understanding the Bible in its cultural context before applying it to our own lives.
Sundays: 10:30 am
Location: Room 116
Led by: Brooke Miles
Type: Women of all ages
For the months of November and December, we will be discussing Timothy Keller's Hidden Christmas, about the true meaning of Christmas.
Sundays: 10:30 am
Location: Conference Room
Led by: Jim Ruggiero
Type: Men of all ages
This diverse and interactive class encourages fellowship and discusses ways to apply God’s word to everyday life using a gospel-centered approach. We welcome you to come join and encourage one another in God’s word. We typically discuss the previous week's sermon.
Sundays: 9:00 am
Location: Lower Level Lounge
Led by: Andrew Connell, Ray Sikes, Josh Boulet, and Isaac Chandler
Type: Young Adults/College
College students and other young adults gather to engage with God's word in open discussion. We seek to learn Biblical wisdom so that we can apply it to our daily living, our thoughts, and our life decisions as we walk with the Lord together.
Weekly Bible Studies
THURSDAYS from 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm
Led by: Pastor Jon Boulet
Online via Zoom
Type: Men and women of all ages
Encountering the Word of God in a conversational group setting. We welcome people from every walk of the faith to join and contribute.
tuesdays at 7:00 am
Location: Drip Cafe in Lantana Square
Led by: Jason Matthews
Type: Men of all ages
A mix of scriptural and topical studies using a verse-by-verse and gospel-centered approach, designed to challenge men to be better leaders and evangelists in all aspects of their lives. Build your understanding of Scripture, your dependence on Christ, and your relationships with others.
wednesdays at 7:00 am
Location: Hockessin Campus
Led by: Joel Hansen
Type: Men of all ages
We discuss passages from Scripture and are currently studying the Gospel of John. Joel Hansen serves as the group facilitator and invites topic input from the participants.
Join via Zoom or In-Person. For questions, contact Joel Hansen.
WEDNESDAYS from 10:00-11:30 am
Location: Lower Level Rooms 1 & 2
Led by: Barb Perry
Type: Women of all ages
Beginning on January 8th, we will be studying Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom by Jen Wilkin.
THURSDAYS from 4:30-6:30 pm
Location: Hockessin Campus | Conference Room
Led by: Lindsay Bonnett
Type: Women of all ages
Meeting Dates: Nov. 7, Nov. 21, Dec. 5, and Dec. 19
We are studying Galatians and Ephesians through inductive, in-depth study. You can expect about 30 minutes of daily study. For more information or to sign up, contact Lindsay: lindsay.p.bonnett@gmail.com.