Live Life Together

Life Groups

what is a life group?

Living with a Kingdom focus

Intercessory prayer

Fellowship that's real

Engaging in God's word together

Life Groups are small groups who meet throughout the week to live life together. These groups focus on fellowship and the building of deeper relationships. Life Groups provide individuals the opportunity to gather, worship, pray, and serve in a casual and interactive environment. Life Groups are both geographically and stage-of-life based small groups that meet throughout the week both in people’s homes and here at the church.

If you attend our Church, it won't be long before you get invited to a life group. We also make an effort to re-launch groups three times a year, in January, May, and September.

January 2024 - Our next Life Group launch!

In the meantime, you are welcome to fill out this information to help us connect you with Life Group the next time we launch.

Once you fill this out, please allow up to a week, and a life group leader or someone from the Church will be in touch soon.